
Construction progress



Introduction for the recently construction of Orient Gate

Print】  Time:2008.5.7 Author:Webmaster
1、The piling and the vertical piles in the pit area was completed on March 19, 2008.
2、The construction is normally carried out inside and outside the dewatering wells and relief wells. As of April 16, observation wells and standing wells outside the pit was completed. 17 relief wells and dewatering wells inside the pit were completed.
3、Soil stabilization is normally conducted for the subway end well-affecting area, which is located at the east of the foundation pit. As of April 16, 183 twin-shaft mixed piles were completed
4、Rotary jet grouting pile reinforcement for the foundation pit is normally constructed. As of April 16, 1073 piles were completed.

Project planning in the near future
Date: April, 2008
Construction plan: soil stabilization will be completed for the area which is affected by the shield at the east of the outer pit.
Date: April, 2008
Construction plan: construction will be conducted for the brad walls at the side of the Xinggang Street.
Date: May, 2008
Construction plan: rotary jet grouting pile reinforcement will be completed for the soil mass of the pit
Date: May, 2008
Construction plan: earth excavation will be carried out for the foundation pit.
Date: May, 2008
Construction plan: relief wells and dewatering wells inside the pit are all completed.



Injection pump  Guard post drilling at the pit of the north tower.


Dewatering well construction  Land clearing for the hillside area at north foundation pit


Casting concrete for guard post of the pit                  Dead load test


Construction for rotary jet grouting pile   Specialist forum for the design concept of the foundation pit

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