
Construction progress



Review on the progress of Gate of the Orient

Print】  Time:2008.5.7 Author:Webmaster
1、The pile construction was completed in May, 2007.
2、Casting at the pile end was completed in June, 2007; also, the high-pressure rotary jet grouting pile at east sewage line clearing area was completed.
3、72 rotary jet grouting piles were completed at the south clearing area in July, 2007.
4、Pile construction was completed in October, 2007.
5、State Land Use Certificate was issued by Suzhou People’s Government to Gate of the Orient on October 29, 2007.
6、The off-site temporary roads were constructed in November, 2007.
7、The first specialist forum for the construction proposal of the foundation pit was held on November 15, 2007.
8、Test well was completed in December, 2007.
9、Construction proposal of the foundation pit was approved by the specialists on January 26, 2008.
10、Specialist forum was held again for the construction proposal of the foundation pit’s guard post on February 28.
11、Construction Permission License was issued by Planning & Construction Bureau in Suzhou Industrial Park on March 4, 2008.
12、The personnel from the safety supervision station arrived at the construction site on March 18, 2008 for safety supervision.
13、The personnel from the quality control station arrived at the construction site on March 25, 2008 for quality control.
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